I find out how easily your team can fall victim to phishing attacks.

...and train your employees in the process.

A boxer doesn't step into the ring hoping 'it won't hit him'.

71% of targeted attacks included spear phishing as an attack vector. Hoping that your company won't be affected is not a good strategy. This can be confirmed by any company that had to endure a successful cyberattack.

To return to sports: A successful athlete constantly puts himself in as realistic situations as possible – ideally with a sparring partner.

Martin Haunschmid
Foto: Irnis Kubat

I am your sparring partner for phishing attacks

I myself have not yet become a victim of a phishing attack (..yet). But I cannot rule out that it might happen in the future. Why? In the right situation, it can happen to anyone.

And that's exactly why one should prepare for this situation.

In 3 steps you will know how successful a phishing attack in your company could be.


Initial conversation

Is there a specific scenario we should simulate? To whom should the emails go?


We conduct the simulation.



How often was clicked? How often was the reaction correct? What are the next steps?

"If a phishing simulation is not the right measure at the moment, I will tell you. My goal is to increase your IT security – not to sell measures that are not suitable for a company at the moment. That is my claim."

Martin Haunschmid, CEO Adversary GmbH

Gain clarity now – how easily will your company fall victim to phishing attacks?

SIGSEGV: Program failed

If phishing mails are not recognized, the hacking attack continues – often until your company is encrypted!

Program finished successfully.

With phishing simulations...

  • Knowledge

    Your employees know how the attack would have been recognizable

  • Action

    Your team now knows what to do in an emergency

  • Clarity

    You know how high the risk is that a real attack goes unnoticed.

Contact now!

...or speak to us directly

In the initial consultation, you will get to know us and our philosophy, and we will briefly discuss how we can help you. So that you and your company:

  • Become safer
  • Are quickly operational again in case of an incident
  • Don't have to be glad every time an article about hacking appears that it wasn't you this time
Book a free initial consultation now!
